Friday, February 23, 2018

New poem-Conversations

By Chuka McCoy

I had a dialogue when the shooting in a Colorado movie theater happened
I expressed my feelings about it
But more and more shootings have happened since then
So, instead of showing that dialogue (which is still valid),
It’s time to have a new conversation
Which is an old conversation
On how we cannot talk and be on the same page
We need our agencies to be the same page
To communicate with each other
It’s not Game of Thrones, folks
Unite the laws to connect these agencies to block dangerous individuals
From getting their hands on guns
Deal with these weapons that are obviously intended on doing more damage
Than hunting and protecting your family
Stop making mental health the scapegoat
The horrible monster in the room
Mental health is a concern in this country
We should approach it as getting people help
Not giving people a jail sentence
We must talk to each other
Show love to one another
To avoid some of these pitfalls in our country
Not talking about it is another form of abuse
Which is exactly what politicians have been doing
Ignoring the problem
Blaming others and kicking the can down the road
You knew what was going on and chose to do nothing
While people’s love ones suffered from the aftermath
Know something
Say something
Do something
That goes for everyone, including the people that represent us