Wednesday, July 3, 2024

New poem- Get Ready to Disappear

Get Ready to Disappear 
By Chuka McCoy 

There are people out and about 
Promoting a particular project 
That will affect life as you know it
And not in a good way
"We The People 
Up here at the top 
Sit pretty and do whatever we want 
While everyone that doesn't bend to our will
Will be gone
People that don't agree with us
Look like us
Act like us
Associate with us
And line our pockets
Will disappear 
Murder in an official act
Starting up the military draft
It won't matter 
If you are a citizen here or not
You are all insignificant and beneath us"
It's time to be seen and heard
It's time not be treated like worthless citizens
Or a fly at THEIR barbecue cookout
Let's show them that people
From the projects to the penthouse
Will not disappear 
And we are stronger 
Than their quest for power over all