A brief view of two things I don't understand.
The first thing would be people that wear their pant so baggy, it's down to their knees or lower. I am remembering the days where your family member or somebody in the neighbor would tell you to pull your pants up. Most of the time back then, it was easily solved by wearing a belt or getting one for the adult to use. I know we got away with Kris Kross or Marky Mark for a moment but that is nothing compared to what some wear today. I am not keen on seeing every piece of your underwear fashion. They even have belts for the pants but it doesn't do any good. It is like the dance Dick Van Dyke does with the penguins in Mary Poppins. The difference is there is no animated characters around(at least to us anyway). The pop in the back of the head is a missing technique and is surely needed there.
The second pertains to this commercial I saw on television. It was for a website that states "you can do a background check on anyone, even yourself." What type of drunken, self loathing person would wanna do a background on themselves? "I don't know what type of person I am. I should do a background check on myself just in case I've ever been in Turkish prison or something." Just in case you blocked out the time you robbed a liquor store or did blow out of your mansion, you can background yourself. Why not get Professor X to peek inside your head for that. By the way, those were all movies you fell asleep to. I just saved you from going through that investigation of yourself.
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