Friday, October 28, 2011

I'm closing one door and running through another

I am officially done and cutting the cord. I have said it's not a constant thing that keep happening. Today, I realize it is in my best interest to stay away from you, Wendy's. I have put in order after order at this restaurant chain. For the last month and a half, I had to drive back to a Wendy's because the order wasn't right. Some of you may have the classic Joe Pesci line from Lethal Weapon II in your head while I say this. It has happened in the lobby as well as the drive thru. Today was the last straw. I ordered a sandwich with bacon on it and bacon. I wasn't upset but wanted to get it corrected since I wasn't that far away.   While I was waiting on the sandwich, I went to stretch out my arms.  I didn't really notice this big not so soft plastic sign out way beyond where it should be. By the time I noticed it, the sign already got a big chunk of flesh off of my left arm. I have a scar on that same arm from a decade ago before I knew about Neosporin. As I stared at both marks on my arms, I said to myself "You know, I don't need to eat here that bad anymore". It reminded me of the decision I made last night. Starting Monday, I'm going to increase my exercise that I do throughout the week. It will help me with some of the things that I have coming up. I'm on record,folks.

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