Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What I saw this week

I've noticed a few things this week that I had to comment on.
  1. I witnessed a person crank up their vehicle, pull out of the parking spot and then load up their groceries. What type of sense does this make? None, in my opinion. You're wasting gas and blocking other people to find a parking spot. Thank you for the consideration of others.
  2. I had a woman come into the store talking as loud as possible trying to find stuff. As she gets to the counter, her son is running around and talking loud as well. She tells him to use his inside voice. Wow, ironic statement.
  3. As I walked out of Wal Mart, I heard a woman behind me say"Oh My God! It's like raining. I can't like walk home in the rain!". Really? Is it the 80's again? The main part of this one is that it was only sprinkling.
  4. On a happier note: I found a Monopoly piece from McDonald's for a free Quarter Pounder. Yay!
That's all for now. More posts to come soon.

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